| ![]() MIL-C-38418E(AS) Power Interruption - The control assembly erection system shall
not revert to the fast precession erection rate after a power
interruption of less than 25 seconds.
3.6.5 Vertical Gyro Synchro Outputs - One transmitting synchro shall be
mounted on each vertical gyro axis of freedom.
The synchros shall
provide displacement signals of gimbal movement about their respective
The nominal electrical
axes at a 1 to 1 ratio to the amplifier.
table II.
shall be in
synchros shall be internally excited from A (see table I). Pitch Synchro - When pin 11 of table I is connected to pin 21,
and the gimbals positioned for zero pitch displacement, the voltage
across pins 10 and 12 shall be minimum and the voltage from pin 10 to 22
When the
shall be greater than the voltage from pin 22 to pin 21.
gimbals are rotated in a nose-up direction, the voltage from pin 10 to
pin 11 shall increase before decreasing. Roll Synchro - When pin 14 of table I is connected to pin 21,
and the gimbals positioned for zero roll displacement, the voltage across
pins 13 and 15 shall be minimum and the voltage from pin 13 to pin 22
When the
shall be greater than the voltage from pin 22 to pin 21.
gimbals are rotated in a right-wing-down direction, the voltage from pin
13 to pin 14 shall increase before decreasing.
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