| ![]() MIL-C-38418E(AS) Rejection and Retest - When one item selected from a production
run fails to meet the specification, no items still on hand or later
produced shall be accepted until the extent and cause of failure are
determined. Individual Tests May Continue - For operational reasons,
individual tests may be continued pending the investigation of a sampling
test failure, but final acceptance of items on hand or later produced
shall not be made until it is determined that items meet all the
requirements of the specification. Corrective Action and Retest - Corrective action and retest
shall be required for each failure that can be reasonably attributed to
poor manufacture or design practices or that adversely affects mission
4.5.3 Reliability Assurance Tests - Reliability Assurance Tests shall be
Tests as required by the production
conducted using MIL-STD-781.
Acceptance Phase shall be conducted. Classification of a failure shall
be in accordance with MIL-STD-781 and MIL-STD-2074. Reliability Assurance Production Acceptance Phase - Reliability
Assurance Production Acceptance Testing shall be conducted through a
production burn-in. Each equipment produced but not submitted to the
First Article Test shall be operated for 100 operating hours burn-in, and
the test data (operating hours and failures) shall be totaled and
compared to the Accept/Reject Criteria of Test Plan IV of MIL-STD-781.
(Extend the lines as necessary to accommodate the data.) These totals
shall accumulate so that at any one time the experience from the
beginning of the contract is included. At the conclusion of each month
the test results shall be available to the procuring activity. Delivery
of equipment shall not be held up to await a--decision under the above
test plan. In the event an Accept Decision is reached, the test duration
of each equipment shall be reduced to 50 operating hours. At any time
that the current total of test hours and test failure-s plotted on Test
Plan IV curves (extended) show a Reject Situation, the Procuring Activity
shall be notified. The Procuring Activity reserves the right to stop the
acceptance of equipment at any time that a Reject Situation exists
pending a review of the contractor's efforts to improve the equipment,
the equipment parts, the equipment workmanship, etc., so that the entire
compilation will show other than a reject decision. For the Production
Acceptance Phase, Test Level F shall be used, except that the temperature
extremes shall be +55C and -44C, and vibration shall be 0.5G.
Details of the burn-in tests shall be included in the test procedures.
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