| ![]() MIL-C-38418E(AS) Test Details - The test details such as the length of the test
cycle, the length of the heat portion of the cycle, the performance
characteristics to be measured, special failure criteria, preventive
maintenance to be allowed during the test, etc., shall be part of the
test procedures to be approved by the procuring activity prior to the
beginning of the production acceptance phase of the reliability assurance
tests. Test Procedures - The procedures used for conducting reliability
assurance and acceptance tests, prior to conducting tests, shall be
prepared by the contractor and submitted to the procuring activity for
review and approval (see 6.2.2). The right is reserved by the procuring
activity or the Government inspector to modify the tests or require any
additional tests deemed necessary to determine compliance with the
requirements of this specification or the contract.
MIL-T-18303 and the applicable detailed test requirements of this section
shall be used as a guide for preparation of test procedures.
approved test procedures are available from previous contracts, such
procedures will be provided and may be used when their use is approved by
the procuring activity. However, the right is reserved by the procuring
activity to require modification of such procedures, including additional
tests, when deemed necessary.
4.5.4 Defects in Items Already Accepted - The investigation of a test
failure could indicate that defects may exist in items already accepted.
If so, the contractor shall advise the procuring activity of all defects
likely to be found and methods of correcting them.
Test Methods
4.6.1 Examination of Product - The control assemblies and components
shall be examined to determine compliance with the requirements specified
herein with respect to materials, workmanship, and marking.
- The displacement gyroscope shall be
4.6.2 Displacement Gyroscope
tested as follows:
Connect stator leads of heading, pitch, and roll servoed
repeaters to the outputs of the connector pins of the displacement
gyroscope as shown in table XII:
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