| ![]() MIL-C-52437C
TABLE II. Trailer specifications. (Cont'd)
VMRS 79-00X (Cont'd)
to not decrease the trailers angle of departure at
the rear and not hang-up on V-ditches.
For size 9 chassis, furnish the twin garage axle
stands shown on the drawings and store them
in the front.
For size 32, provide 2 ea. removeable screw
jacks per GGG-J-51, Type 1, Class 3.
Provide jacks having min. 2-1/2 in. dia. screws,
steel ball bearing caps, auxiliary base plates to
reduce loading below 80 psi.
Provide chassis levels to permit personnel to
jack-up and level the operating equipment for
level operation on terrain having a slope of up
to 5-percent in any direction.
Provide min. vial bubble level recessed on
outside corners of van body.
1-ea. front and 1-ea. rear for leveling
longitudinal axis.
l-ea. front and l-ea. rear for leveling transverse
Visibility of levels to permit personnel
operating the leveling jacks to accurately level
the body for operation. Levels waterproof as
installed and recess mounted to prevent
3.13 Trailer body specifications. When and as specified (see 6.2 Appendix, T-12), a trailer
body, in part or whole, shall be furnished. The body shall be skid mounted on the trailer chassis
as specified in 3.11, except for size 32 where the platform body is intergral with the trailer frame.
The CCE body components, as specified, for the CCE sizes of trailer chassis shall be in
accordance with table III. For size 9 MD trailer chassis, the bodies shall be as covered on the
drawings in the Water Purification, Distillation, or Lube and Servicing Unit Specifications
(see 6.1). The component sequence and numbering system shall be in accordance with
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