| ![]() MIL-C-52437C
6.1 Intended use. The trailer chassis is intended for the mounting and transporting of various
special items of equipment which require a low overall height over highway and cross-country
terrain. The intended equipment items include the following:
Water Purification Unit, 600 GPH
MIL-W-52116, Type II
Distillation Unit, Water, 150 GPH
Lubricating and Servicing Unit
Welding Shop, Trailer Mounted
Radiographic Unit
Air Compresser sets w/Tools.
Hydraulic Service and Repair Units.
Outside Light Sets.
Power Units (Eng.-Gen. Sets).
Environmental Control Unit.
(Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps, etc.)
Maintenance Shop Sets
Woodworking Shop Set
Pioneer Tool Shop Set
Diesel Engine Power Units
(Mech. Drive for Rock Crushers, etc).
The trailer chassis are intended to be towed by military design trucks, commercial trucks, and
self-propelled military equipment such as crawler and wheeled tractors, scoop loaders, cranes,
and motor graders.
6.2 Ordering data. Acquisition documents should specify the following administrative
ordering data and technical ordering data:
a. Title, number and date of this specification and of the applicable size specification
b. Date of issue of DoDISS applicable to this contract and exceptions thereto (see 2.1.1.).
c. Time frame required for submission of the first article plant model (see 3.2).
d. When the Government will conduct any or all of the first article examination and tests.
When the Government will conduct some but not all of the first article examination and
tests, the contracting officer should specify which examination and tests will be
conducted by the Government and which examination and tests shall be conducted by the
contractor (see 3.2).
e. When the SSPC treatment and painting method is acceptable in lieu of the MIL-T-704
method (see 3.20).
f. Cite the appropriate service and what marking is required (see 3.22).
g. Cite color of marking on forest green equipment if different from black (see 3.22).
h. What time frame is required for the contract to complete the equipment physical
characteristics and submit this technical data to the Government for calculation of the
vehicle weight classification number (see 3.23).
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