| ![]() MIL-C-52765E(ME) Stiffness Strength. When tested as specified in, the
average deflection at 20 pounds shall be no less than_8 inches and not more
than 13 inches, and no specimens shall break when loaded to 80 pounds.
Breakage is defined as specimen rupture, i.e., a break typified by an abrupt
change specimen configuration. Impact. When tested as specified in, spreaders shall
not crack or break. Surface chips and delamination at the location of impact
are providing they do not exceed an arc length of 2 inches or
0.50-inch from the edge. Residual deflection. When tested as specified in, the
Highest point of residual deflection shall be not more than one inch between
the flat surface and the bottOm of the batten. Conditioned impact. When tested as specified in, the
batten spreaders shall not crack or break. Surface tips and delamination at
the location of impact are permissable providing they do not exceed an arc
length of 2 inches or 0.50-inch from the edge.
3.6 Batten spreader adapter. The batten spreader adapter shall conform to
the applicable drawings, and shall meet the physical requirements specified in
table III.
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