| ![]() MIL-C-52765E(ME) Column load. A 4-section pole shall be loaded as specified in
figures 1 and 2. Once the load has been started the pole shall not be moved
or adjusted. Nonconformance to shall constitute failure of this test. Drop. Vertical single pole drop. The support pole shall be dropped
vertically 10 times on each end onto a 0.75-inch thick steel plate laid flat
from a height of 10 feet. The support pole shall be fuided to square impact
with the steel plateby a steel rod or pipe with OD selected to provide a
0.125-inch diametral clearance on the ID of the connector sleeve.
Nonconformance to shall constitute failure of this test. Single pole slant drop. The support pole shall be dropped so
that the end strikes a 0.75-inch steel plate at approximately a 45-degree
angle. The pole shall be dropped at a height so the striking end falls at
least 4 feet. The pole shall not be guided in that the pole shall be
unrestricted when it strikes the steel plate. The pole shall be droped three
times on each end. After the first drop, the pole shall be rotated 120
degrees prior to each additional drop. Nonconformance to shall
constitute failure
of this test. Batten spreaders. Stiffness and strenght. The batten spreader shall be loaded to
20 pounds and the amount of deflection meassured as shown in figure 3. After
deflection is recorded, the batten spreader shall be loaded to 80 pounds for
not less than 60 pounds. Nonconformance to for either stiffness or
strength shall constitute failure of this test. Batten spreader impact test. The batten spreader shall be
attached to a free falling weight by means of the spreader adapter body and
nut. The test fixture shall be similar to figure 4, so that it will fall 6
feet and have an impact energy of not less than 120 foot pounds. The batten
spreader shall be dropped on to a steel plate which allows the batten spreader
to slide out and away from the test fixture. The cartaridge nut allow the
bottom ofthe batten spreader hole to a come within 7 inches of the steel plate.
After being dropped, the batten spreader shall be removed and inspected.
Nonconformance to shall constitute failure of this test. Residual deflection. The batten spreader shall be bowed not less
than 10inches, in a fixture similar to figure 5. The bowed batten spreader
shall be conditioned at 140 5 F (60 3 C) for not less than six hours, and
then allowed to cool at room temperature for not less than two hours while
Still bing bowed. After the two--hour cooling period, the batten spreader
shall be removed from the fixture and placed on a flat surface with the
extreme ends of the batten spreader resting on the flat surface.
Nonconformance to Shall constitute failure of this test.
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