| ![]() MIL-C-52765E(ME)
shall & closefitting boxes conforming to PPP-B-636, type CF, class domestic,
variety SW, grade 200, style optional. Bos closure shall be as specified in
the appendix to the box specification. Like components only shall be placed
in a unit container. Unlike components shall not be mixed within a unit
container. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the quantity of a component
within a unit container shall be sufficient to result in a gross weight of not
less than 45 pounds but not more than 50 pounds. Level C. Individual support system components, shen required (see
6.2), shall be preserved as specified in
5.3 Packing. Packing shall be level A or C as specified (see 6.2).
5.3.1 Camouflage support system assemblies. Level A. Ten support system assemblies, preserved as specified in
5.2, shall be unitized in two stacks side by side, five cartons high, on a
partial four-way entry, flush, stringer type, hardwood pallet. Pallet. The quality of the lumber and assembly workmanship shall
be in accordance with commercially acceptable practices. Deckboards. The shall have a minimum thickness of
0.5625-inches and a minimum width of3.50-inches and 5.50-inches, as
applicable. The 5.50-inch width boards shallbe utilized as end deckboards on
both the top and bottom decks. Three 3.50-inch width boards shall be evenly
spaced between the top end decboards to complete the thop deck. The bottom
deck shall be completed by the placement of two 3.50-inch width boards, one
each at 4 inches on either side of the centerline of the pallet length as
shown in figure 6. Stringers. The lumber used for the stringers shall have a
minimum thickness of 1.50 inches and a minimum width of 3.50 inches. Each
pallet shall require three stringers and they shall be positioned asshown in
figure 6. Each stringer shall have two fork notches aproximately 9 inches
long by approsimately 1.25 inches deep. The notches shall be positioned at
approximately 9 inches on each side of th ecenterline of the stringer length.
The size of the notch and the positioning of the notches shall be the same for
all stringes. Size. the length of the pallet (the stringer length) shall be
equal to the outside dimension (+0 inches, -0.50inch) of the support carton
length. The width of the pallet (the deckboard length shall be equal to the
outside dimension (+0 inches, -.050 inch) of the two, side by side support
cartons. Strappin. The cartons shall be secured to the pallet with five
strps conforming to QQ-S-781, type I or IV, regular duty, size 0.50-inch,
finish B, with a minimum thickness of 0.015 inchy, or with nonmetallic
strapping conforming to PPP-S-760, type II or III, with a minimum thickness of
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