| ![]() MIL-D-51453A(EA)
leakage. Discharge the disperser in 5-second bursts , Pausing 5 seconds between
bursts to check the gun for leakage. During periods of air flow, listen for a
" r a t t l i n g " sound, indicating presence of agitator (see 6.2).
T h e container shall be subjected to the Leakage and deformation.
specified hydrostatic pressure for the indicated time (see 6.2).
4 . 4 . 4 . 3 R u p t u r e . T h e container shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure
u n t i l the container leaks or ruptures. R e c o r d the leak or rupture pressure. Gun. The gun shall be connected to a regulated source of air or
h y d r o s t a t i c p r e s s u r e . G r a d u a l l y increase the pressure to 200 psig minimum.
M a i n t a i n that pressure for a minimum period of 1 minute, and observe for
leakage. Pull the trigger to operate the gun for a 5-second burst. The gun
s h a l l function freely and when the trigger is released the flow of air or water
shall stop.*
(Note: This test may be performed at the same time as with the air
connected to the disperser. Container assembly. The container less the cam action closure shall
be tested for the specified pressure for the specified time and checked with a
suitable leak detection solution.
5.1 Cleaning.
The interior and exterior surfaces of the disperser compo-
nents shall be cleaned, as necessary, to be free of foreign matter that could
result in deterioration or affect satisfactory performance of the the assembled
unit in use. Cleaning shall be in accordance with cleaning process Cl and dry-
ing shall be in accordance with any of the drying procedures outlined in MIL-P-
Level shall be as specified (see 6.1). .
5.2 Preservation and packaging.
5.2.1 Level A.
5 . 2 . 1 . 1 D i s p e r s e r a s s e m b l y . T h e agent container, air cylinder and associate
h o s e s and fittings, cleaned in accordance with 5.1, shall be prepared as fol-
lows : T h e wing nut shall be tightened on the neck of the agent container to
T h e discharge opening
s e c u r e the adapter and the manifold and prevent leakage.
i n the manifold shall be closed by use of a plastic cap-plug conforming to MIL-
c - 5 5 0 1 / 7 . T h e loose harness shall be secured to the frame as necessary to pre-
vent excessive movement. Gun and hose. The gun and hose, cleaned in accordance with 5.1,
shall be packaged together as follows. The openings of the hose and gun shall
be closed with snug-fitting plastic cap-plugs conforming to MIL-C-5501/70 The
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