| ![]() MIL-D-63303B(AR)
4.4.2 Inspection failure. Failure of an initial production
dispenser to meet any requirement specified herein during and as a
result of the examination and tests specified in 4.4 shall be cause
for refusal by the Government to continue acceptance of production
dispensers until evidence has been provided by the Contractor that
corrective action has been taken to eliminate the deficiencies.
Correction of such deficiencies shall be accomplished by the
contractor at no cost to the Government on dispensers previously
accepted and produced under the contract. Any deficiencies found as
a result of the initial production inspection will be considered
prima facia evidence that all dispensers accepted prior to the
completion of initial production inspection are similarly deficient
unless evidence to the contrary is furnished by the contractor and
such evidence is acceptable to-the contracting officer.
4.4.3 500 mile test (see 6.2). After completion of the first
dispenser inspection, in accordance with 4.4.1, the dispenser shall
be subjected to the five hundred (500) mile (804.5 km) test
specified in TABLE VI, at sites approved by the Government. The
contractor shall pre-position on test site(s) minimum essential
repair parts to include all anticipated wear-out and service parts
for the five hundred (500) mile (804.5 km) test. The list shall be
approved by the Government (see 6.2). The contractor shall also
expeditiously furnish additional repair parts, as required, to
adequately support the test.
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