| ![]() MIL-D-63303B(AR)
Inspections shall be
4.2 Classification of inspections.
classified as follows:
(a) First Article (Reproduction) Inspection (See 4.3).
(b) Initial Production Inspection (See 4.4).
(c) Quality Conformance Inspection (See 4.5).
4.3 First article (reproduction) inspection.
4.3.1 Submission. The contractor shall submit a first article
sample as designated by the Contracting Officer for evaluation in
accordance with provisions of 4.3.2. The first article sample shall
consist of one (1) complete dispenser assembly (dwg. 9289847).
4.3.2 Inspections to be performed. First article sample may be
subjected by the Government (see 6.2) to any or all of the
examinations, QAP's and tests specified in Tables VII & VIII herein
and to any requirements of the applicable drawings.
4.3.3 Rejection. If the first article sample fails to comply
with any of the applicable requirements, the sample shall be
rejected. The Government reserves the right to terminate its
inspection upon any failure of any assembly, component or test
specimen in the sample to comply with any of the stated requirements.
4.4 "Initial production inspection. When specified (see 3.2),
one or more initial production dispensers will be selected at random
by the Government from dispensers produced from production tooling
and will be examined as specified herein to determine conformance to
the requirements of this specification. The inspection will be
performed by the Government at a site selected by the Government.
Acceptance of an initial production dispenser shall not exclude the
remaining dispensers from the quality conformance inspection and
acceptance provisions specified in Section 4. In addition to any
test specified as part of the initial production test, the
Government reserves the right to conduct any or all other tests
contained in this specification as part of the initial production
test and failure of such additional tests shall have the same effect
as failure of those tests specified as initial production tests.
4.4.1 Inspections to be performed. The initial production
dispenser may be subjected by the Government to any or all of the
examinations and tests specified in Tables VII and VIII.
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