| ![]() MIL-D-63303B(AR)
6.4 Initial Production Dispenser. A initial production vehicle
is one (1) of the first ten (10) vehicles produced under
manufacturing methods to be used in normal-production.
6.5 Government furnished property. The contracting officer
shall arrange to furnish the contractor any applicable property as
specified in the contract.
6.6 Submission of inspection equipment for desiqn approvals.
See 3.6.6 of MIL-W-63150. Submit designs as required to:
Commander, US ARDC, ATTN: DRSMC-QAT-I (D), Dover, New Jersey
07806-5000. The address will be specified on the Contract Data
Requirements List, DD Form 1423 in the contract. Unless otherwise
specified, data item DI-R-1714 will apply.
6.7 Definitions.
6.7.1 Definitions of unlisted defects, recurring major and
minor defects. The Government Representative will verify that a
thorough inspection of each dispenser is performed by the contractor
not only for the listed characteristics, but also for any other
departures from good workmanship. The Government Representative
will assure that all deficiencies encountered during the inspection
are enumerated on the Deficiency Sheet for the dispenser. The
defects noted on the Deficiency Sheet shall contain sufficient
description to enable the Government Representative and the
contractor's representative to classify the deficiency in accordance
with the classification of defects of the dispenser specification
-- - - -
and definitions in MIL-STD-105. Corrective action shall be taken
for all deficiencies. Unlisted defects. All defects having no bearing on
function, safety, interchangeability or life, but are considered
departures from good workmanship will be noted in writing.
Workmanship deficiencies falling within this category will be added
to the minor classification with no increase in AQL's. Recurring major deficiency. A major defect is
recurring when the same major defect occurs more than once in the
same sample or when the major defect occurs in two successive lots.
A major defect may be considered recurring when the historical
Inspection Records reflect such a condition. Recurring major
deficiencies shall be cause for the entire lot or lots to be
inspected for the recurring defect. The deficiencies shall be
corrected when found. Recurring minor deficiencies. A minor defect is
recurring when the same defect occurs more than twice in the same
sample or when the defect occurs in four successive lots. Recurring
minor deficiencies shall be cause for the entire lot and/or lots to
be inspected for those recurring defects. Correction of all
deficiencies shall be accomplished prior to acceptance.
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