| ![]() MIL-D-63303B (AR)
6.7.2 Fluid leaks. The following shall be used to define the
classification of defects for leaks:
Any evidence of fluid beyond the seal.
b. Seep: Any evidence of fluid beyond the seal that does
not result in formation of a droplet.
c. Droplet: Any evidence of fluid beyond the seal that
results in formation of a droplet.
d. Drip: Any evidence of fluid beyond the seal where
droplet forms and falls.
6.7.3 Cold start. Cold start refers to the hydraulic system,
specifically to the vacuum and case drain pressures. The allowable
cold start values are the maximum values which the system will see
and will typically occur when the engine is first brought to full
governed speed.
6.7.4 Warm up, The engine is considered to be warmed up when
the thermostat opens, which nominally occurs at 180F (82.2C),
or when the engine temperature stabilizes at some lower value. The
hydraulic system is considered to be warmed up when all vacuum and
case drain pressures are within the operation (See The
engine and hydraulic system should both be warmed up before
dispensing mines. The oscillator (rotary actuator) is considered to
be warmed up after fifteen (15) minutes complete cycles in pattern three (3)
following the accomplishment of engine and hydraulic system warm up.
6.7.5 Continuous operation. Continuous operation is the use of
hydraulic powered devices (magazines, oscillator, launcher wheel)
after they are warmed up.
6.7.6 Load, combat load, payload. Useful component of live or
inert ammunition and on vehicle equipment (OVE) needed tO carry out
a mission. Generally, for test purposes a full complement of
practice mines.
6.7.7 Performance. To carry out mission operations by
dispensing mines/practice mines at specified ranges, pattern and
densities under specified environmental conditions on specified
terrains for specified distances.
6.7.8 Provisioning. The Contracting Officer should include
provisioning requirements for repair parts and maintenance tools as
necessary (including any special tools), and instructions on
shipment of dispensers. A suggested paragraph is as follows:
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