| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
First article inspection (see 4.6).
Quality conformance inspection (see 4.7).
Inspection conditions and Precautions.
4.3.1 Conditions. Unless otherwise specified all
inspections shall be performed in accordance with the inspection
provisions contained in the applicable Quality Assurance
Provisions of MIL-F-13926 and the approved test plans and
procedures. Test plans shall be prepared in accordance with the
contract or purchase order.
4.4 Failures. The following failure, retest and rejection
criteria will be used during all inspections unless otherwise
specified. Failure, retest and rejection criteria. The term
FAILURE is defined to include part and component deterioration or
breakage, damage evident from equipment inspection, and
nonconformance to the requirements specified for performance,
operational, or physical characteristics. A deviation beyond the
tolerances established in this specification, in the approved
test procedures, or in the equipment design is also considered a
failure. The following shall be classified as failures:
Adjustment, replacement, or repair of a part or
The need to reprogram the DRU.
c. Any northing or casting error within a static
survey run exceeding 2 meters/hour*.
d. Any altitude error within a static survey run
exceeding 4 meters/hour*.
Any BIT failure indications.
f. Failure to complete alignment or necessity of
restarting alignment.
These values may vary depending on the contractor's
test equipment and DRU mechanization. Any variation
must be approved by the Government.
Upon the occurrence of a failure, or whenever it becomes evident
that an item will not meet a specified requirement or will not
pass a test, the testing of the item for acceptance purposes
shall be stopped.
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