| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
After analyzing and reporting the failure, and taking corrective
action in accordance with the quality program requirements, and
with the approval of the Government, the. items shall be
resubmitted for selection of samples and the test shall be
repeated. My rework or modification of the equipment voids all
prior inspections and the Government representative will make the
determination whether or not to reperfom tests conducted
previously. For failures occurring during retest further testing
and implementation of corrective action shall not take place
unless approved in writing by the Government representative.
Qualification inspection.
4.5.1 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection
shall be performed at a laboratory acceptable to the Government
(See 6.4) on sample units produced with equipment and procedures
normally used in production.
Inspection routine. Sample units shall be subjected
to the qualification inspections specified in Table VI in the
order shown. Test methods shall be in accordance with paragraphs
listed in Table VI.
Failures. Failures in excess of "those allowed in
Table VI shall be cause for refusal to grant qualification.
Retention of Qualification. To retain qualification,
the contractor shall forward a report at 6-month intervals to the
qualifying activity.
The qualifying activity shall establish the
initial reporting date. The report shall consist of:
A summary of the results of the tests performed for
inspection of product for delivery (Quality Conformance
Inspection, Table VIII), indicating as a minimum the number of
lots that have passed, the number that have failed, and the grouP
which they failed. The results of tests of all reworked lots
shall be identified and account for.
b. A summary of the results of tests performed for
periodic inspection (as specified in contract or purchase order),
including the number and mode of failures. The summary shall
include results of all periodic inspection tests performed and
completed, during the 6-month period. If the summary of the tests
results indicates nonconformance with specification requirements,
and corrective action acceptable to the qualifying activity has
not been taken, action may be taken to remove the failing product
from the qualified products list.
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