| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
In the event that no production occurred during the reporting
period, a report shall be submitted certifying that the company
still has the capabilities and facilities necessary to produce
the item.
4.6 First article inspection.
Sample. The contractor shall submit a first article
sample as designated by the Contracting Officer for evaluation in
accordance with provisions of 4.6.2. The first article sample
shall consist of the assemblies, components and test specimens
listed below in the quantities indicated.
Drawinq Number
Dynamic Reference Unit
4.6.2 Inspections to be performed. As determined by the
Government, the first article assemblies, components and test
specimens may be subjected to pny or all of the examinations and
tests specified in this detail specification and be inspected for
compliance with any or all requirements of the applicable
4.6.3 Rejection. If any
assembly, component, or test
specimen fails to comply with any of the applicable requirements,
the first article sample shall be rejected. The Government
reserves the right to terminate inspection upon any failure of
any assembly, components or test specimen to comply with any of
the requirements.
4.6.4 First article inspections and tests. Unless
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order or
stipulated by the Contracting Officer, the article sample
shall be subjected to all inspections and tests in Table VII and
to all requirements of the applicable drawings. All units
selected for First Article Inspection shall have successfully
passed Quality Conformance Inspection.
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