| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
Coordinate and reference frames.
6.6.1 Position.
UTM Position.
Horizontal position in the Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is defined by the
hemisphere, numerical grid zone, Easting and Northing in
accordance with TM 5-241-8, Universal Transverse Mercator Grid.
The UTM coordinates can be referenced to several different
spheroids. Hemisphere. Hemisphere (DRU). The DRU Hemisphere is the
hemisphere where the DRU presently is located. It is input at
the start of a mission. During the mission, the DRU must keep
track of the hemisphere for the present location and output it
when requested. Hemisphere (BCU). The BCU Hemisphere is the
hemisphere where the Battery Computer Unit is located. It is
input to the DRU. When output is requested, the DRU repeats the
last value input. Universal transverse mercator (utm) arid zone. Zone (DRU). The DRU UTM grid zone is the
numerical designation for the zone in which the DRU is located.
The numerical designation of the zone input at the start of a
mission may represent the normal zone or the extended zone,
depending on the coordinates available. When output is
requested, the numerical designation of the zone in a message may
represent the normal zone or the extended zoner depending on the
coordinates associated with the zone. When normal zone or
extended zone boundaries are crossed, the DRU will automatically
change the numerical designation for the zone in output messages
to that of the normal zone in which it is located.
Zone (BCU). The BCU Zone is the numerical UTM
grid zone for the BCU location. It is input to the DRU. When
output is requested, the DRU repeats the last value input.
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