| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
(7) At the conclusion of test, the MDM shall send an MDM test
complete pulse (Logic 1) to the Drum Controller as shown in Figure 160.
MDM Test Mode 3 Sequence - The MDM Test Mode 3 timing
sequence is shown in the MDM Test Mode 3 timing diagram, Figure 162, and is described as follows:
(1) The Test Mode 3 signal becomes a Logic 1 and shall re-
main in the Logic 1 state for the entire duration of Test Mode 3 tests.
(2) After the Test Mode 3 signal, the sector begin pulse is
sent to the MDM.
(3) Upon receipt of the sector begin pulse, the MDM shall
stimulate the MDM status lines. When the status lines stabilize, the MDM shall send a pulse (Logic 1)
to the Drum Controller via the MDM Test Complete line.
(4) The MDM status lines shall remain in the stimulated test
mode state until such time that the MDM Test Mode 3 signal line becomes a Logic O.
Following the transition from a Logic 1 to a Logic O on the
MDM Test Mode 3 line, the MDM status lines shall automatically return to their normal monitoring
functions within 64 bit times.
MDM Test Mode 4 Sequence - The MDM Test Mode 4 timing
sequence is shown in the MDM Test Mode 4 timing diagram, Figure 163, and is described as follows:
(1) The Test Mode 4 signal becomes a Logic 1 and shall re-
main in the Logic 1 state for the entire duration of Test Mode 4 tests.
(2) After the Test Mode 4 signal the sector begin pulse is sent
to the MDM.
(3) Upon receipt of the sector begin pulse the MDM shall
stimulate the specific circuitry associated with the speed control such that an out-of-tolerance speed
condition occurs. The automatic shutdown circuitry for motor power associated with the speed con-
troller shall then be allowed to function as required.
(4) After a time delay as shown on the timing diagram the
MDM shall send to the Drum Controller an MDM test complete signal during which time the Drum
Controller shall sample the MDM speed error status line.
NOTE: MDM Test Mode 4 exercises the speed error shutdown
circuitry for the drum. After completion Test Mode 4, the main power to the MDM must be re-
cycled to allow the drum to come up to nominal speed.
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