| ![]() MIL-E-48630(AR)
4.5.17 Switch assembly (Anti-disturbance
switch). AD switch function and closure time duration. The
switch assembly shall be placed in an approved fixture. The fixture
shall be capable of rotating the switch assembly through 360 on
its cylindrical axis, while this axis is held at 15 2
referenced to the horizontal, for both CW and CCW directions of
rotation. Verify that the functional requirements of the drawing
are met. This is a non-destructive test. Acceptable parts may be
returned to the lot.
switch. The switch Insulation resistance of AD
assembly when in a suitable fixture shall
be measured for insulation
resistance in the reset position using an
approved megohmmeter.
Verify that the switch assembly does meet
the requirements of the
Acceptable parts may be
drawing. This is a non-destructive test.
returned to the lot. Plating of AD switch can. Five (5) cans shall be
randomly selected from each plating batch. The specimens shall be
cross-sectioned through the axial center of the can, polished and
examined microscopically to measure the plating thickness. If the
total average plating thickness for the five cans fails to meet the
requirements as specified on the drawing, the sample shall be
(Destructive test).
classed defective and the lot shall be rejected.
4.5.18 Ambient, hot and old temperature functional testing.
The sample of electronic assemblies specified in para. shall
be subjected to all functional tests at the operating temperature
extremes. one-third of the sample specified shall be functionally
tested atambient (75F 10F) and one-third at-25F (+0,
-3) and one-third at l45F (+3, -0), (see The
units shall be conditioned at the above temperatures for two (2)
hours prior to the test. Testing shall be performed with the unit
in the temperature chamber. Approved functional test equipment
shall be used. Acceptable threshold levels are specified on drawing
9342576. Acceptance limits for the digital circuitry (SD timing
control) at the temperature extremes are specified on drawing
4.5.19 Printed wiring board cleaning procedures. Printed
wiring board assembly cleaning procedures shall be documented and
supplied to the Government (see 6.6). Verification of adherence to
the cleansing procedure shall be done on a daily basis (Ref. Data
Item DI-T-5372 (Tailored).
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