| ![]() MIL-F-24702(SH)
4.8 Inspection of packaging.
Sample packages and packs, and the inspection
of the preservation, packing and marking for shipment, stowage, and storage shall
be in accordance with the requirements of section 5.
(The packaging requirements specified herein apply only for direct Govern-
ment acquisition. For the extent of applicability of the packaging requirements
of referenced documents listed in section 2, see 6.5.)
5.1 General.
5.1.1 Navy fire-retardant requirements. Lumber and plyood. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), all
lumber plywood including laminated veneer material used in shipping container and
pallet construction, members, blocking, bracing, and reinforcing shall be fire-
retardant treated material conforming to MIL-L-19140 as follows:
Level A and B - Type II - weather resistant.
Category I - general use.
Level C
- Type I - non-weather resistant.
Category I - general use.
5 1.1.2 Fiberboard. Unless otherwise specified, fiberboard used in the
construction of class-domestic, non-weather resistant fiberboard, and cleated
fiberboard boxes shall meet the flame spread index and specific optic density
requirements as specified in PPP-F-320.
5.2 Preservation.
Preservation shall be level A, C or commercial as
specified (see 6.2.1).
5.2.1 Level A. Cleaning and drying. Filter elements shall be cleaned and dried by
a process and procedure in accordance with MIL-P-116 which will ensure removal of
all foreign material without damage to the element. Unless otherwise specified
(see 6.2.1), the cleaning and drying process and procedure shall be at the option
of the contractor. Unit protection. Each filter element shall be unit protected
within a transparent bag in accordance with MIL-P-116, method IC-1. Each method
IC-1 unit bag shall be supplemented with a snug-fitting water resistant folding,
setup or metal edged paperboard or fiberboard box at the contractor's option, in
accordance with the unit container requirements, table T , appendix F of MIL-STD-
2073-1. Box closure shall be in accordance with the box specification or
appendix thereto. Interior cushioning shall be provided, as necessary, to
prevent element damage and puncture or damage to the protective unit bag. Unless
otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), box options such as type, variety, grade and
style shall be at the option of the contractor.
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