| ![]() MIL-G-1298A
Machine Gun Tripod Mount, Cal. 50, M3.
4.1.1 Lot. Unless otherwise specified, a lot
The mount shall & suitably braced during
shall consist of not more than 101 machine-
guns for the initial lot and not more than
501 machineguns for each subsequent lot. Concurrent tests.
4.1.2 Inspection sample. Where practicable,
inspection sample sizes shall be in accord- Functioning and cyclic rate of fire
ance with Standard MIL-STD-105. However,
test. The functioning test and the cyclic rate
the inspector may subject all or part of any
of fire test may be fired concurrently.
lot of components or assemblies to such in-
spection as he deems necessary to determine Targeting and accuracy ted. The
compliance with this specification.
targeting test and the accuracy test may be
fired concurrently at a range of 100 feet.
4.1.3 Test samples. Unless otherwise spe-
cified, the number of test samples shall be
4.3.2 Spring test. Springs designated by
as specified for each test.
the drawings shall be tested as specified on
the applicable drawings. The contractor shall
4.2 Inspection. Machineguns shall be visu-
provide suitable equipment for making these
ally inspected for completeness of manufac-
tests, and shall record the conditions and
ture, assembly, finish, and workmanship.
results of each test.
The chamber and bore shall be examined for
rust, pits, powder fouling, burrs, and other
4.3.3 Carburization test. A representative
defects. Each machinegun shall be operated
sample consisting of not less than 3 items
by hand to ascertain that the final adjust-
of each lot of each carburized and hardened
m e n t s have been made to assure proper
component shall be fractured and the depth
operation. Components shall be inspected as
of case determined by microscopic examina-
necessary to assure compliance with drawing
tion. Test samples may be components re-
requirements. Before final acceptance of any
jected for other reasons.
lot, the inspector shall make whatever final
visual inspection deemed necessary to assure
4.3.4 Firing pin release test. Ten bolt as-
that the machineguns have undergone all
semblies, taken at random by the inspector
inspection and tests prescribed therefor, and
from each lot of machineguns, shall be sub-
that the machineguns have been thoroughly
jected to the firing pin release test. Using an
cleaned and prepared for shipment as re-
approved fixture with a suitable indicating
quired by section 5.
dial, a load shall be applied slowly and uni-
formly at the following points until the firing
4.3 Tests.
pin is released: first, to the sear slide on
one side; then, with the sear slide reversed,
4.3.1 General.
to the sear slide on the other side; and next,
directly to the sear from the top. The load Ammunition. Ammunition used in
shall be applied 5 times at each of the three
all firing tests, except the proof firing test,
shall be caliber .50 Government, standard
service ammunition specified by procurement
documents. (See 6.1.) Proof firing ammuni-
4.3.5 Striker indent test. The striker in-
tion shall be as specified in 4.3.9.
dent shall be taken on at least 10 machine-
guns of each lot. The indent, taken in copper Mounts. Unless otherwise specified,
compression cylinders inserted in a holding
all firing tests except the targeting and ac-
fixture conforming to Drawing C5520627, is
curacy tests shall be accomplished from
computed by measuring the distance from
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