| ![]() MIL-G-46858A
* 4.3.1 Standard atmospheric conditions. - Whenever the pressure and temperature of
the system equipment existing at the time of the test are not specified, it is understood
that the test will be made at atmospheric pressure (approximately 28.5 + 2.0 or - 4.5
inches Hg) and at room temperature (approximately 23 10 degrees C.). When tests
are made with the pressure or temperature differing materially from the above values,
proper allowance shall be made for the difference from the specified conditions.
* 4.3.2 Test equipment accuracy. - Accuracy of the test equipment selected to measure
the specified equipment performance requirements shall be based on the applicable
National Bureau of Standards and equipment design limits. The test equipment shall
be selected for technical compatibility with the equipment during test to assure
specified accuracy of test readout.
4.3.3 Electric power input conditions. - The system equipment shall be tested with the
nominal excitation voltages, at the nominal frequencies, applied at the appropriate
4.3.4 Output load impedance. - All system equipment under test shall have connected
to each output an electrical load simulating the input impedance and loading effect of
the equipment to be connected to these outputs during service. When practicable, the
actual equipment may be used.
4.4 Preproduction tests. - Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), all major units of the
missileborne guidance and control system shall be subjected to preproduction tests as
set forth herein. The preproduction tests shall consist off all tests specified in 4.6.
* 4.4.1 Preproduction test samples. - The preproduction test samples shall consist of
one or more units manufactured and assembled using the same methods and
procedures proposed for the production. The number of preproduction test samples
submitted shall be specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2). Approval of
the preproduction sample by the procuring activity shall be based upon satisfactory
completion of all tests. Further production of the equipment by the contractor, prior to
the approval of the preproduction sample, shall be at the risk of the contractor.
4.4.2 Preproduction test report. - When preproduction tests are conducted at a
location other than the laboratory of the procuring activity, the following shall be
furnished to that activity upon completion of the tests:
a. Test report - three copies of a test report prepared in accordance with
b. The samples which were tested
c. Two sets of assembly drawings
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