| ![]() MIL-G-81737A(AS) Test materials. When preparing gels for test purposes, the
following materials shall be employed:
a. Fuel: Aviation gasoline as specified in MIL-G-5572; aviation
turbine fuel JP-4 and JP-5 as specified in MIL-T-5624; or aviation turbine
fuel as specified in ASTM D1655.
b. Solution A that has met the requirements of AS-1532-1.
c. Solution B that has met the requirements of AS-1533-1. Test apparatus. The apparatus required for the gel mobility test
shall consist of the following:
A steel "test plate" inclined at an angle of 45 2 to the
horizontal plane. The plate shall be covered with a piece of clean, dry,
20-weight bond paper, a minimum 8 by 13 inches in size.
b. A 50-milliliter (ml) beaker.
A stopwatch.
c. Test procedure.
Gel mobility shall be tested by the following
Stabilize the unit (4.3.1), aviation gasoline (115/145 octane),
Solution A, and Solution B at the test temperature (Table I or Table II).
b. After production of gel for 45 seconds In accordance with
NAVAIR? 19-1-112 a sample (approximately one quart) of the gelled fuel shall be
taken during full flow from the end of the discharge hose during the last
5 seconds of gel production.
c. In not less than 3 and not more than 12 minutes after sampling,
select a single, integral piece of gelled fuel (from b) 30 to 40 ml in size
and transfer it intact to the 50 ml beaker.
d. At a height of approximately 25 inches above the upper half of the
bond paper on the test plate, invert the 50 ml beaker.
e. Immediately after impact of sample on the paper, draw a horizontal
line at the lower edge of the gel and start the stopwatch.
f. After 60 1 seconds, draw a horizontal line at the same lower
edge of the gel.
g. Measure the distance in inches between the two lines on the bond
paper. Record the distance of movement.
Repeat c through g on another piece of gel from the same quart sample obtained
in b. Average the results of the two mobility tests.
4.6.4 Blending and capacity. Blending and capacity tests shall be
performed under standard conditions (see 4.3).
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