| ![]() MIL-I-48331A(AR) Oscillator output voltage, terminals 3 and 11.
With the microcircuit connected as shown in F16.4, the rise
time, fall time and pulse duration of the pulse shall be
measured on terminals 3 and 11 using a calibrated
oscilloscope. Parameters shall meet the requirements listed in
para. 3.14.4. "0" output voltage: terminal 12. The
microcircuit shall be connected as shown in figure 12. After
application of VDD, 1040 pulses as defined in paragraph 3.3.6
shall be applied to terminal 2. The voltage level at terminal
12 shall be measured and shall be as specified in Table II.
4.5.11 Output voltage:
terminals 13 and 15 "1" output voltage. The microcircuit shall be
connected as shown in figure 10 and VDD applied. The initial
low states at terminals 13 and 15 shall be-verified prior to
the application of the appropriate number of input pulses, as
defined in Note 2 page 37, to terminal 2. After application of
160 pulses, the voltage level at terminal 13 shall be
measured. After 32, 768 pulses, the voltage level at terminal
15 shall be measured The voltages shall be as specified in
Table II. "0" output voltage. The microcircuit shall be
connected as shown in figure 11. After application of VDD, any
number of pulses less than 160 for terminal 13 or 32, 768 for
terminal 15 shall be applied to terminal 2. The voltages
levels at terminals 13 and 15 shall be measured and shalI be as
specified in Table II.
generator with a convenient increasing voltage shall be applied
to terminals 2 or 10. The voltage level at terminals 1 or 9,
respectively, shall be monitored for a transition from a low to
high level. When the transition occurs, the voltage level at
terminals 2 or 10 shall be observed and measured as the
threshold voltage. The threshold voltage shall be as specified
in Table II.
4.5.13 Sequential operation
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