| ![]() MI-I-85889(AS)
TABLE X. Environmental qualification test matrix for Type II igniters.
4.4.3 Analysis. Electromagnetic pulse analysis. When specified in the contractor order, the contractor shall conduct
an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) analysis to assess the response of electroexplosive devices and other components
which could result in hazardous conditions. The EMP analysis shall be made available to the contracting activity
for accepance.
4.4.4 Documentation and reviews.
4,4.4.1 Program plan. When specified in the contract or order, the contractor shall update the program plan
within 60 days following the initiation of Phase Iii. The revised program plan shall be made available to the contracting
activity for acceptance. System safety program plan. When specified in the contractor order, the contractor shall update the
system safety program plan within 90 days following initiation of Phase Ill. The revised system safety program plan
shall be made available to the contracting activity for acceptance. Quality assurance plan. When specified in the contractor order, the contractor shall update the quality
assurance plan within 90 days following initiation of Phase Iii. The revised quality assurance plan shall be made
available to the contracting activity for acceptance. Configuration management plan. When specified in the contractor order, the contractor shall update
the configuration management plan within 90 days folllowing initiation of Phase III. The revised configuration
management plan shall be made available to the contracting activity for acceptance. Design qualification report. When specified in the contract or order, the contractor shall prepare a
design qualification report which summarizes the results of all efforts conducted during Phase Iii. The design
qualification report shall be made available to the contracting activity no later than 30 days prior to the Functional
Configuration Audit. The report shall be revised based on comments provided by the contracting activity and again
made available for acceptance within 60 days following the Functional Configuration Audit.
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