| ![]() MIL-K-687E
3.18 Size 1.
3.18.1 Melting tank. The melting tank shall be constructed of steel not less
than 0.1345 inch in nominal thickness and shall be jacketed with not less than
l-inch-thick insulation conforming to MIL-I-22023, Type I, Class 4. The
insulation shall be protected by a steel sheath. A splash plate shall be
provided around the inner rim of the melting tank. A draw-off valve that
permits emptying the melting tank by gravity shall be provided and shall be
located so that the hottest material will be drawn first. The inlet to the
valve shall be provided with a removable screen. A dial type, bimetallic
thermometer calibrated from 50 to 500 F shall be provided (see 3.7.3).
Supports for the heating unit shall be provided within the melting tank. The
melting tank shall have a capacity of 80 gallons plus 4 percent for expansion.
3.18.2 Heating unit. The heating unit shall be of the immersion tube type
and shall consist of a burner compartment to accommodate the burner specified in
3.7.1, a fire tube, two return flues, and an exhaust stack for each flue. Each
exhaust stack shall be provided with a weatherproof cover. Handles, located at
each end of the heating unit, shall be provided to facilitate removal and
installation of the heating unit. The heating unit shall also serve as a partial
cover for the melting tank.
3.18.3 Cover. That portion of the melting tank that is not covered by the
heating unit shall be provided with a convex cover mounted on a hinge. The
cover shall be made of steel not less than 0.0747 inch in nominal thickness. A
provided that will hold the cover in the fully open position and
device shall be
also at any desired angle between fully open and closed positions. Handles
shall be provided to aid in raising and lowering the cover. A latch shall be
provided to hold the cover in the closed position.
3.18.4 Pump and hand-spray attachments. The pump shall be mounted on the
kettle with the inlet to the pump connected so that it will pump asphalt cement
from the bottom of the melting tank.
3.18.5 Engine-driven pump. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the pump
shall be driven by a commercial gasoline engine of not less than 3 horsepower.
The fuel tank shall be in accordance with The pump shall be of the
positive-displacement, gear type and shall discharge not less than 10 gallons
per minute (gpm) at 30 psi. The engine and pump shall be completely enclosed in
a metal housing in accordance with
3.18.6 Manually-operated pump. When specified (see 6.2), the pump shall be
manually operated and shall be of the positive-displacement, gear type. The
pump shall discharge not less than 10 gpm when operated at normal cranking speed.
3.19 Size 2.
3.19.1 Melting tank. The melting tank shall be constructed of sheet steel
not less than 0.1345 inch in nominal thickness. Seams shall be welded and
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