| MIL-L-48063A(MI)
Test springs shall be discarded. Spring hardness. Major defects: Detent, flat spring, lever.
A sample of 10 springs shall be selected from each lot, if one or more
springs fail to comply with the requirement, the lot shall be rejected. The
test shall be conducted as specified in 4.4.2 using equipment in accordance
with 4.3.4.
4.3,3.3 Torque tests. Insert nut torque (see dwg. 356AS153).
Major defects -
Each insert nut in one skin assembly per working shift shall be tested for
compliance with the torque out requirement. If any insert nut fails to
withstand the torque out force, the cause for failure shall be determined
and the launcher skins produced since the last test shall be rejected.
The test shall be conducted as specified in 4.4.3 using equipment in
accordance with 4.3.4. Launcher assembly (see dwg/ 356AS164). Major defects -
Threaded insert, connector assembly, nut. A sample of launcher assemblies
shall be randomly selected from each lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105,
Level II and an AQL of 0.40 percent. Launcher assemblies failing to comply
with the requirements shall be classified as defective. The acceptance
level shall apply for each defect. The test shall be conducted as specified
in 4.4.3 using equipment in accordance with 4.3.4. Insulation resistance (see 3.3.2). Major defect - Launchers
shall be tested 100% for compliance with the requirement. Launchers failing
to comply with the requirement shall be classified as defective and removed
from the lot. The test shall be conducted as specified in 4.4.4 using equip-
ment in accordance with 4.3.4. Continuity (see 3.3.1 and 3.3.3). Major defect - Launchers
shall be tested 100% for compliance with the requirements. Launchers failing
to comply with the requirements shall be classified as defective and
removed from the lot. The test shall be conducted as specified in 4.4.5
using equipment in accordance with 4.3.4. Intervalometer electrical tests. Load circuit test (see 3.4.4 and 3.4.6). Critical defect -
Intervalometers shall be tested 100% for compliance with the requirements.
Any intervalometer failing to comply with the requirements shall be classified
defective and removed from the lot. The test shall be conducted as specified
in 4.4.6 using equipment in accordance with 4.3.4.
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