| MIL-L-81795(AS)
Fairing Rings - The Forward Fairing Ring and Aft Fairing shall remain
Attached to the' launcher after firing.
Nomenclature and Nameplates - Nomenclature assignment and name plate
approval for equipment identification shall be in accordance with specification
Manufacturing and Finishes - Manufacturing processes and finishes
other than shown on applicable drawings shall receive prior approval of the
procuring activity. The responsibility for any malfunction or failure of
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the component parts or the assembled equipment to pass the requirement tests
due to fits, proper application of process, clearances, tolerances or internal
stress shall be assumed by the contractor.
Intervalometer - Reusable, selective capability single or ripple fire;
ripple approximately 60 millisecond intervals and shall conform to the require-
ments of drawing number 30003 356AS172.
Detents - Each launcher shall be checked
ensure that each detent
projects into the tube 0.200 + 0.037 or -0.023 inch. Detent Pull Release - A detent pull test shall be performed on each
tube of the launcher. The pull load required to release the rockets from their
detents shall not be less than 290 pounds foward load and shall not be pull
tested above 325 pounds foward load applied at a linear rate to peak in 10 to
45 seconds.
Tube WarPage - The tube shall accept a 2.800 +.002 -.000 inch diameter
by 8 inch long gauge in the forward end of the tube and shall pass thru the tube
freely to the detent assembly.
Radiation Hazard Protection - An R.F. Barrier Assembly shall be fixed
on the Forward and Aft Bulkhead. A switch with pull pin shall be included
in the electrical system to provide safety when loading or off-loading rockets.
Launcher Firing Circuit - The launcher shall function properly with
20-30 volts direct current supplied through a 5 ohm resistance provided in the
aircraft rocket firing circuit.
Groundin g- The resistance between negative firing contacts (detents)
and the suspension lug inserts and pin E of the receptacles shall not exceed
0.1 ohms.
Circuit Resistance- The resistance of any wire in the launcher firing
circuit shall not exceed 0.1 ohms.
Circuit Continuit Y - There shall be no loss of circuit continuity owing
to the handling or environmental conditions specified in Section 4.5.4. A conti-
nuity check shall be made with the safe-arm switch "on" and "off" to determine
whether the switch is operating.
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