| ![]() MIL-M-17059A(SHIPS)
4.2 Factory inspection during manufacture for service A motors. - The motor manufacturer's in-process
inspection shall include the applicable items of inspection contained in appendix I herein, selected in accordance
with the design, manufacturing methods and sequence of operations.
4.2.1 Performance test. - Tests requiring assembly with the driven auxiliary for which the motor is
designed may be conductcd at either the plant of the auxiliary machinery supplier or the motor supplier. If the
contract or order requires tests other than the tests specified herein, the motor supplier shall prepare a list of
these tests and submit it to the Government for approval prior to conducting the test.
4.2.2 Records. - Records of the results of in-process inspection and performance tests shall be complete
and available to the Government inspector.
4.3 Service A. -
4.3.1 Sampling. - Sampling procedures for in-process inspection. - All processes, parts, subassemblies, assem-
blies and complete motors shall be inspected to determine compliance with the approved drawings (see appendix
I) and with the requirements of this specification. Sampling and other statistical methods, when used, shall be
appropriate> to `the item inspected, to the manufacturing method involved and to the previous inspection experience
for that item and for that manufacturing method. Statistical and engineering analysis shall be used to evaluate
the results of the sampling and statistical methods. The following are authorized for use:
Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes - MIL-STD-105.
Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by variables for Percent Defective -
MIL-STD-414. Sampling procedures for periodic performance tests. - Motors shall be selected for periodic
performance tests in accordance with table XII and shall be subjected to the applicable periodic tests in ac-
cordance with table XIV. However, only one periodic shock and explosionproof enclosure test need be run
unless there has been a change in design which affects the shockproof or explosionproof characteristics. A
complete set of periodic tests is required after any change in design which affects the performance character-
istics. If routine test data reveal variations beyond normal manufacturing tolerances, the Government may
require that any or all of the periodic tests be made on a particular motor to demonstrate that it conforms to
this specification. If a motor sample does not meet performance requirements under periodic tests, that motor
and those of the same design and lot shall be cause for rejection. After the design has been modified and the
revisions incorporated into the sample, the sample may be resubmitted for tests. Upon successful completion
of the periodic tests on the sample specified herein and acceptance by the Government, production motors of
identical designs produced in the same 12 month period shall be accepted on the basis of routine tests.
Table XII - Sampling for periodic tests. Sampling procedure for routine performance tests. - Motors shall be selected from the lot
accordance with table XIII and shall be subjected to the applicable routine tests in accordance with table XIV.
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