| ![]() MIL-M-21124(NOrd)
4.1.3 Lot size. - As applied to Government inspection of units of
product the term "lot" shall mean "Inspection lot", i, e., a collection of
units of product submitted by a supplier for Government inspection, Unless
otherwise specified, the number of units of product in `Inspection lots"
will be as determined by the Government inspector and may differ from the
quantity designated in the contract or order in a lot for production, ship-
ment or other purpose.
4.1.4 Periodic production samples. - From each succeeding lot or
grand lot of (100) or less, a random sample of 5 mine cases will be
selected by the Government inspector for submission to a Bureau of
Ordnance designated activity to determine compliance of the samples
with the requirements of the contract, specification and drawings. A
mine case shall be considered satisfactory if it meets all specifications
and pertinent drawing requirements, and withstands the tests as specified
in 4, 5.
4.2 Contractor's inspection. - Contractor's inspection shall be con-
ducted in accordance with provisions of `Inspection by Contractor"
as contained in OP 400,
4,3 Classification of tests. - The inspection and testing of the Mine
Case Mark 25 Mod 1 shall be classified as follows:
4.3.1 Acceptance tests. - These tests are to be accomplished on
the mine case being submitted for acceptance under contract, Inspection
and test procedures shall be submitted for Government approval prior to
commencement of production, Acceptance tests shall either be performed
by the manufacturer and witnessed by the Government inspector, or shall
be conducted by the Government inspector. These tests are defined in
4,3.2 Pre-production and periodic production tests, - Pre-production
and periodic production tests are those which are accomplished on samples
selected as specified in 4. 1.2 and 4. 1.4 which are representative of the
production of the mine case after the award of the contract to determine
that the lot and production meet the requirements of this specification.
Acceptance shall be based on no defects in a sample. Failure of a sample
to comply with these requirements will result in the rejection of the lot or
the cessation of production as determined by the procuring activity.
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