| ![]() MIL-M-46363A(MU)
TABLE I. Classijfcation of defects
inspections to the extent that such use will
not unduly interfere with the contractor's
delivery schedule.
4.4.1 Government furnished inspection
equipment. Where the contract provides for
Government furnished test equipment, care
and maintenance of test equipment shall be
in accordance with "Inspection Equipment,"
and "Government Furnished Material" re-
quirements of Specification MIL-I-45208.
4.4.2 Contractor furnished inspection
4.2.3 Disposition of nonconforming prod- Government design, All inspection
uct. Rejected lots shall be screened for de-
equipment required by drawings forming a
fective characteristics. Removal or correc-
part of the contract and not provided by the
tion of defective units and resubmittance of
Government shall be supplied by the contrac-
rejected lots shall be in accordance with
tor in accordance with the List of Inspection
"Acceptance and Rejection" as specified in
Equipment Numbers, IEL-8634465. Alter-
Standard MIL-STD-105.
nate designs may be substituted only as
provided by "Inspection Provisions" of
4.3 Control tests. Three mounts shall be
Specification MIL-I-45208.
selected at random from each 50 produced,
or from each months production, whichever Contractor design. The contractor
occurs first. Control samples shall have suc-
shall design and supply inspection equip-
cessfully met all acceptance tests specified
ment compatible with the "Test Methods and
herein prior to conducting the following ex-
Procedures" specified in 4.5, and with the
aminations and tests:.
"Component Inspection" requirements of
Teat proccdure
Control test
Specification MIL-F-13926. Concept, con-
Appropriate Dwg &
struction, materials, dimensions, and toler-
ances used in design of test equipment shall
Visual--As per dwgs,
be so selected and controlled as to insure
General Specs
that the test equipment will permit positive
rejection of a product which exceeds the
prescribed tolerance limit, and will reliably
4.3.1 Control test failure. Should the control
indicate acceptability of a product which
test sample fail to meet the specified test re-
does not exceed 90% of the prescribed toler-
quirements, acceptance of the product will be
ance limit. Construction shall be such -as to
suspended by the Government until necessary
facilitate routine calibration of the equip-
corrections have been made by the contractor
and the resubmitted samples have been ap-
4.4.3 Equipment to test level vial, func-
tional operation and backlash. The test equip-
ment shall be so constructed as to permit the
4.4 Inspection equipment. Except as other-
periscope mount to be positioned as shown
wise providecl for by the contract, the con-
tractor shall furnish and maintain all
on Drawing F8634465. The test equipment
requirecl measuring and testing equipment in
shall also provide a pivot arm that accepts
accordance with the "Inspection Equipment"
Bolt, 8213050 to form a parallelogram with
requirement of Specification MIL-I-45208.
Arm, 8614785 and Link Assembly, 8213052.
The Government reserves the right to use
The pivot point for this arm shall be estab-
the test equipment for its own independent
lished by means of the 3.197 and 31.500 inch
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