| ![]() MIL-M-63530 (AR)
4.5.17 LVD temperature coefficient. While at the temperature extremes
specified in 3.5.5 determine the switching point of pin 6 by varying" the
voltage on pin 4 from maximum to minimum. Determine the change in switching
point voltage per `C from the value obtained in 4.5,16. Any device failing
to meet the requirements of 3.5.5 shall be classed defective.
(Non-destructive test).
4.5.18 Oscillator function test. The device shall be connected as shown
in Figure 1 and tested for the requirements as specified in 3.5.4. Any device
failing to meet the requirements of 3.5.4 shall be classed defective.
(Nou-destructive test).
4.5.19 Slow rise. The pin 7 slow rise performance can be verified by
rerunning functional test sequence #1 and switching pin 7 through a RC delay
whose time constant is greater than or equal to the specified minimum time.
Any device failing to meet the requirements of shall be classed
defective. (Non-destructive test).
4.5.20 Oscillator functional current. With the circuit connected as
shown in Figure 1 measure the average current used with both oscillators
running . Any device failing to meet the requirements of 3.5.2. 15 shall be
classed defective. (Non-destructive test).
4.5.21 slow power up. Verify the slow power up reset maximum limit by
powering the device through a RC delay with a time constant greater than or
equal to the maximum time. Verify the slow power up reset minimum time with
any power up which occurs in less than the specified minimum time. This test
may be performed during any of the seven (7) functional test sequences. Any
device failing to meet the requirements of shall be classed
(Non-destructive test).
4.5.22 Sequential test. The sequential test consist of seven (7)
functional test sequences defined in Figures 4 through 10. Tests 1-6 are to
= 5.0 volts, and test 7 with
be run with
= 7.5 volts. The circuit
must be testable with a bit time (time between state changes) of 10
microseconds. All input low logic levels (VIL) shall be 1.5 volts. All input
- 1.5 volts. All output low levels (VOL)
high levels (VIII) shall be
shall be 1.0 volts or less and output `nigh levels (VOH) shall be
volts or greater. Any device failing to meet the requirements of 3.5.3 shall
be classed defective (Non-destructive test).
4.5.23 Dynamic burn-in test. All devices shall be subjected to the
dynamic burn-in screen in accordance with MIL-STD-883, Method 1015, Condition
D (160 hours minimum at 125C + 5C) and specified herein. For this test
the device shall be connected as shown in Figure 11. Any device failing to
meet the requirements of shall be classed defective.
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