| MIL-M-70765 (AR)
5.3 Marking.
5.3.1 Level A. Level A marking shall be in accordance with
Dwg. 9366710 and Dwg. 9355710.
5.3.2. Level B. Level B marking shall have the same
requirements as for Level A.
5.3.3 Level C. Level C marking shall have the same
requirements as for Level A.
5.4 Shipping. When shipments of units from more than one lot
are made at one time, each lot shall be kept separate, and the
division between lots clearly indicated to prevent mixing of the
lots in transit.
6.1 Intended use. This specification is intended for use in
loading assembling and packing the Mine, Anti-Personnel, M86,
Special Test Mine.
6.2 ordering data.
6.3 Submission of designs for ap proval. See MIL-A-48078.
Submit equipment designs as required to Commander, Picatinny
Arsenal, ATTN: AMSMC-QAT-M (D) , Picatinny Arsenal, NJ
07806-5000. This address iwll be specified on the Contract Data
Requirements List, DD Form 1423 in the Contract. Unless otherwise
specified, data item DI-R-1714 will apply.
6.4 Documentation of moldinq process controls. The
contractors's documentation of molding process shall specify, as a
minimum, controls and procedures for the following:
a. Confirmation of accuracy of temperature-measuring
instruments, including the method, location and. frequency basis
for obtaining temperature checks of all the temperature recording
instruments for all the molding and curing phases.
b. Homogeneity of molded munitions, to preclude mixing of
munitions from different lots during molding and cure.
c. The storage of permanent records, available for
Government review, of the time-temperature cycle for all phases of
the molding and cure process and for the items in a and b above.
The records shall provide suitable identification by molding
compound batch and lot number as applicable.
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