| MIL-N-81207A(AS)
(g) Bearing memory greater than 2 seconds,
followed by search
If any of the above parameters have degraded below the above
specified, the indications shall be "T/R NO-GO". A/A Mode - Initiation of the interruptive self-
test shall inject an RF signal at the antenna connector of not
more than -70 dBm providing paired pulse interrogations at a rate
of 22 pp/s and containing single pulse replies to the TACAN paired
pulse interrogations at a reply efficiency of 85 percent. An
indication of-" A/A-GO" shall be obtained under the following
Range between 1.6 nm and 2.0 nm
The TACAN transpond delay at the 50%
points on the first received coded pair of
RF interrogation pulses and the
corresponding transmitted RF reply pulse
shall be 62 0.1 microseconds in X mode
and 74 0.1 microseconds in Y mode.
Minimum peak RF power shall be 750 watts
for 300 pps and 250 watts for 1650 pps.
If any of the above parameters have degraded below the above
specified, the indication shall be "A/A-NO-Go".
Interfering Signals - The self-test shall
operate as specified, in the presence of a received TACAN signal
of -50 dBm or weaker.
Air-To-Air System Delay - The equipment shall
effect an indication of 0 0.05 nautical miles in the A/A mode
(a) The delay at the 50% leading edge
amplitude points of the first transmitted
coded pair of RF interrogation pulses and
the corresponding received RF reply pulse
is 62 0.1 microseconds in X mode and 74
0.1 microseconds in Y mode.
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