| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
T h e transmitter power amplifier stages
shall be cathode modulated and each cavity
shall be individually gasket scaled to main-
tain rated power at an altitude of 70,000 feet.
( 2 ) Range Decoder Module - 4-1/2 inches x
4-1/2 inches x 2 inches
The Range Decoder module shall contain
t h e coincidence decoder circuit, the low
i m p e d a n c e AGC generator, aural identifi-
cation circuitry and a 4.0457 KHz crystal
(3) Range A Module - 4 - 1 / 2 inches x 4-1/2 inches x
1 - 1 / 2 inches
The Range A module shall contain the modulator
trigger and the range gate circuits.
(4) Range D Module - 4 - 1 /2 inches x 4-1 /2 inches x
2 inches
The Range B module shall contain the early
and late gate coincidence amplifiers and the
c i r c u i t s necessary to drive the distance motor
c o n t r o l magnetic amplifier.
( 5 ) Range Mechanical Module - 4-1/2 inches x
4-1/2 inches x 2 inches
The Range Mechanical module shall contain
t h e motors, tachometers, potentiometers,
s y n c h r o transmitters and resolvers necessary
to provide the ranging circuit with phase
s h i f t e d or varying potential signals necessary
to measure distance and to provide outputs to
d r i v e remote distance indicators.
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