| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
(6) B e a r i n g Decoder Module - 4-1/2 inches x
4-1/2 inches x 2 inches
The Bearing Decoder module shall contain
the burst eliminator, peak riding detector
and the 15 andl 135 cycle reference blocking
o s c i l l a t o r s . The module furnishes 15- and
135- cycle bearing information to the bearing
Bearing A Module - 4-1/2 inches x
4-1/2 inches x 2 inches
The Bearing A module shall contain the 15-
c p s filter circuits, a sine-cosine card phase
s p l i t t e r to feed the 15- c p s phase shifter,
15- and 1 3 5 - cps phase comparison circuits,
15- and 135- cps switching network and motor
(8) Bearing B Module - 4-1/2 inches x
4-1/2 inches x 2 inches
The Bearing B module shall contain the 135
c p s filter circuits, 4 0 - d e g r e e gate forming
c i r c u i t s and search-track control circuits.
(9) Bearing Mechanical Module
4-1/2 inches x 2 inches
The Bearing Mechanical Module shall contain
t h e necessary resolvers, potentiometers,
s y n c h r o transmitters, t a c h o m e t e r s and motors
to furnish the 15- and 135-cps phase shifts
a n d to drive remote bearing indicators.
Magnetic Amplifier and Phase Detector Module -
4 - 1 / 2 inches x 4-1/2 inches x 1-1/2 inches
T h e Magnetic Amplifier and Phase Detector
module shall contain two magnetic amplifiers,
one each for the b e a r i n g and distance motor
d r i v e circuits. It shall also contain a phase
. . . cent'd.
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