| ![]() MIL-N-81857(AS)
detector which compares the phase of a
signal from tile bearing mechanical module
with the phase 01 a manually selected signal
and provides an output proportional 10 de-
viation from the selected bearing.
Power Supply Module - 4-1/2 inches x
4-1/2 inches x 4 inches
The Power Supply module shall contain Cir-
cuitry for generating the power required by
t h e receiver-transmitter, except the high
v o l t a g e power required by the r-f power
a m p l i f i e r s . A nominal 90 second time
delay circuit shall also be included in this
(12) A i r - t o - A i r Range Module - 4-1/2 inches x
4-1/2 inches x 1 inch
T h e Air-to-Air Range module shall contain
t h e circuits necessary in the air-to-air mode
to accept an interrogation, provide the re-
quired system delay and trigger the modulator
t o reply to the interrogation. Also, an auxi-
liary AGC circuit, a range compensation
network to the Range A module and a muting
control voltage to the modulator in the RF
module shall be provided.
Antenna Selector Module - 4-1/2 inches x
4-1/2 inches x 1 inch
The Antenna Selector moDule shall contain
circuits to provide an output to an external
R F antenna selector switch. The limited,
decoded TACAN signal from the Range De-
coder module shall be used to distinguish
between usable and unusable signals, and
the antenna selector module circuitry shall
make selections based on this output.
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