| ![]() MIL-P-18547A(SHIPS) Class A and class D drawings, covering pumps under this specification are identical as far as
orm and content are concerned. Class A drawings shall be approved only by the Bureau of Ships. Bureau of
Ships field representatives may approve the drawings as class D drawings only (thereby authorizing manufac-
ture without waiting for Bureau of Ships action), and at the same time or subsequently they may recommend
to the Bureau of Ships that the drawings be considered as class A drawings. Master plans or type I drawings furnished under earlier editions of MIL-D-963 and the earlier
edition of this pump specification are considered as fulfilling the requirements of class A drawings under this
specification, regardless of the source of approval of those drawings. However approval of modifications to
those drawings after the date of this specification shall be by the Bureau of Ships only. Class B drawings. - Class B drawings shall be furnished as a supplement to all class A and class
D drawings required under a contract or order. They are not required in connection with class C drawings. Class C drawings. - Class C basic design drawings covering pumps under this specification are
intended for submittal to the Bureau of Ships prior to and independent of invitations for bids. Each drawing
may cover a range of sizes of pumps so long as they are of the same basic design. A class C drawing may
indicate a variation in materials from that called for in 6.2 and if approved by the Bureau of Ships that varia-
tion in material will be accepted in subsequent procurements as being in accordance with this specification.
All such material variations shall be specifically pointed out in the transmittal letter. A further advantage of
class C drawings is that when bids are accompanied by an applicable approved class C drawing, then produc -
tion may be authorized immediately on signing of a contract. Approval of a class C drawing does not preclude
the requirement for class A or D drawings and class B drawings applicable to a particular contract or order.
3.8.3 Format. - The manufacturer's commercial format may be used if the requirements for drawing
content (see 3.8.4), material identification (3.8.5), and drawing identification (3.8.6) are satisfied.
3.8.4 Draw.ing content. - General requirements for all classes. - "Manufacturer's Use Only" notes. - Information intended for manufacturer's use only shall be
designated. Conversely, on a commercial drawing with wide usage it is permissible to designate portions
thereon, "For Navy Use Only. " Dimensional tolerance. - Unless otherwise indicated by note, legend, or key it will be assumed
that all tolerances shown on a drawing must be complied with during both manufacture and maintenance repair. Types and contents of class A and class D drawings. - Drawings of the types specified in
and shall be furnished. Sectional assembly drawings .- Sectional assembly drawings shall include a sectional assembly
with complete list of material, with references to applicable detail drawings. All running clearances shall be
shown. The list of material shall include every part required in the pump assembly, including those parts not
required to be detailed. This may necessitate some side or partial views in order to show parts not otherwise
shown in the main section view. The list of material shall include an indication of each part required by this
specification to be furnished as an onboard repair part (this is not a repair parts list). Detail drawings. - Detail drawings shall be furnished of all parts and subassemblies necessary
for evaluation of the equipment, and of all parts necessary for maintenance, and overhaul of the pumps. De-
tails of these parts shall be so complete as to permit emergency manufacture by a Naval shipyard without
assistance from the original manufacturer. Details of pump casings and rotating elements shall be furnished,
but the dimensioned development of these parts need not be shown. Subassemblies whose parts cannot be
procured or serviced individually, should be shown as a single part and so indicated. Multidetail drawings are
preferred, but monodetail drawings may be used.
3.8.4 .2.2.1 The only detail drawings required for class CO-1 pumps are of the shaft, shaft sleeves and
sleeve bearings.
3.8,4.3 Contents of class B drawings. - Outline drawings including certification data shall be furnished
as a supplemental drawing to all class A and class D drawings. Separate class B drawings shall be furnished
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