| ![]() MIL-P-45592(WC)
4.5.3 Testing. Bid sample testing. Bid sample testing shall be perfored
by the Government and shall consist of all acceptance tests specified
herein and the following tests. Bid Sample accuracy testing. Each bid sample pistol
shall be subjected to 10 accuracy tests as specified in 4.6.5. Nine out
of the 10 tests performed on each pistol shall meet the accuracy require-
ments specified in 3.2.16. Endurance testing. After being found satisfactory In
examination and all other tests, each bid sample pistol shall be sub-
jected to the endurance test specified in 4.6.6. Acceptance testing. Trigger pull, high-pressure resistance, fumctioning
firing, targeting, and accuracy testing. The contractor shall
pistol for trigger pulls high-pressure resistance, functiioning firing,
targeting, and accuracy using the test methods specified in 4.6.1. through
4.6.5. The tests for functionin6 firing, targeting, and accuracy may
be performed concurrently. Pistols failing to meet any of the require-
ments shall be rejected. Packaging. Testing of packaging of pistols shall be
performed in accordance with MIL-P-14313.
4.5.4 Inspection equipment. Unless otherwise specified in procurement documents (see
6.2), responsibilities for acquisition, maintenance, and disposition of
acceptance inspection equipment shall be in accordance with MIL-I-45607
and MIL-C-45662. Ammunition. Cartridges loaded to develop a mean breech
pressure of 31,000 to 33,000 pounds per square inch shall be used in the
high-pressure resistance test. Cartridges for other firing tests shall
be in accordance with MIL-c-46935 and USAMUCOM Drawing 7553931 using Match
grade cartridges for the functioning, targeting, and dispersion
and Standard Velocity grade cartridges for the endurance firing test (see 6.2).
4.6 Test methods.
4.6.1 Trigger pull test. Pistols shall be tested for trigger pull
requirement (see 3.2.12) using an approved measuring device. The pistol
shall be cocked and the safety shall be in the "fire" position. The load
shall be gradually applied to the center of the trigger and exerted In a
line parallel to the axis of the barrel bore. The trigger shall also be
checked for creep by applying pressure manually to the triger at a uniform
rate of increase over a period of not less than 3 seconds.
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