| MIL-P-71012A(AR)
performed using the test methods in 4.6.1 and 4.6.2, as
applicable. If the corrective action performed affects the
validity of previous test/inspections, those tests so affected
must also be repeated and successfully passed for acceptance.
Those tests not affected by the corrective action need not be
repeated, unless directed otherwise by the Government
representative. Interchangeability
testing. Pistols. The contractor shall subject a sample of
ten pistols selected by the Government representative from each
inspection lot to interchangeability testing using the test method
specified herein ( and in 4.6.6. Pistols selected for
interchangeability testing shall have been found satisfactory in
all other individual examinations ( and tests ( and Failure of any sample pistol to successfully complete
all of the testing/inspections specified herein ( shall
constitute a failure of the interchangeability test and shall
cause retest or rejection of the represented lot. At the
discretion of the Government representative, an interchangeability
retest may be allowed without reconditioning the lot of pistols.
Failure in the retest shall cause rejection of the represented lot
subject to reconditioning and further test as a reconditioned lot.
A sample of 20 pistols from each retest or reconditioned lot shall
be tested using the same procedure described above. The smaller
test lot size criteria shall be reinstated for subsequent lot
testing and the above procedures repeated in returning to the
larger size lot. Repair parts. The contractor shall subject at
least five Parts from each inspection lot of concurrent repair
parts to the interchangeability test specified in
Failure of any part to meet the requirements shall be cause for
rejection of the represented lot of parts subject to
reconditioning and further test as a reconditioned lot. A sample
of double the number of parts used in the original test shall be
tested from each reconditioned lot using the test method specified
in Reliability
testing. Lot size. The lot size shall be as specified in Reliability and durability. Three (3) pistols and
sixty magazines selected by the Government representative from
each reliabLllty/durability lot shall be tested by the contractor
for reliability and durability using the test methods specified in
4.6.7 and 4.6.8. Pistols selected for reliability/durability
testing shall have been found satisfactory in all other lndividual
examinations ( and tests ( and Failure
of the pistols shall be cause for rejection of the represented
lot. If the lot is rejected, the contractor shall conduct a
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