| ![]() MIL-P-48189D(AR) Breakwire functioning. Mines selected for breakwire
functioning tests shall be tested for the specified criteria in
accordance with Scoring for breakwire functioning shall
be scored in accordance with 4.5.18. The lot shall be rejected if
more than 7.9% of those recoverable units in the breakwire sample
set are classed defective as failing to function breakwire. Safe
duds shall be excluded from the breakwire sample set. Tripline deployment. All recoverable mines shall be
examined for the specitied criteria in accordance with 4.5.16. The
lot shall be rejected if more than 4.2% of all recoverable mines are
classed defective for tripline deployment. Safe duds shall be
excluded from the tripline deployment sample set. Safe duds. Any recoverable mine which fails to
function prior to the maximum self-destruct time for the type of
munition under test and which fails to function when the hazardous
dud inputs specified in 4.5.17 are applied shall be classed a safe
dud. The lot shall be rejected if more than 4.0% of all recoverable
mines are classed defective as safe duds. Early function. Any recoverable mine which functions
self-destruct prior to the minimum self-destruct time period for the
type of munition under test shall be classed as an early function.
The lot shall be rejected if more than 4.9% of all recoverable
mines, which are designated as M731, are classed defective for early
function. If the mines being tested are designated as M692 mines,
the lot shall be rejected if more than 5.8% of all recoverable mines
are classed defective for early function.
4.4.4 Sensor intrusion test. Each lot of sensors shall be
tested for the epoxy intrusion requirement (defined by 3.4.6 and to determine if there is any epoxy intrusion. Testing for
this requirement shall be completed prior to lot acceptance testing
for sensor functional requirements (as defined in 3.4.2 thru
3.4.5). The sampling plan used for the intrusion test defined in
3.4.6 shall be 80-4-5. Any lot failing to comply with the intrusion
sampling shall be rejected.
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