| MIL-P-8258D(AS)
Discharge at -65*F.
The pump shall be exposed to a
temperature of -65F for a minimum of 24 hours and while still at this
The discharge
temperature the pump shall be tested as specified In 4.7.2.
of air per stroke shall be not less than 10 cubic inches.
Operating force.
The pump shall be held In a vertical
position with the handle Up and fully extended with the air outlet open.
A weight of 1 pound applied to the handle shall, within 5 seconds,
depress the plunger assembly to the full "in" position.
The plunger handle shall be fully
P ump leakage.
With the pump in a vertical position,
extended and the air outlet capped.
a 15-pound force applied in line with the longitudinal axis of the pump
shall not bring the plunger assembly to the fully returned position in
less than 30 seconds.
The pump shall be dropped once in each of
Impact .
the following positions from a height of 4 feet on a concrete surface:
With the longitudinal axis of the pump parallel
to the concrete surface and with the plunger assembly in the "out"
With the longitudinal axis of the pump 45
degrees to the concrete surface and with the plunger assembly in the
"out" position and toward the concrete surface.
With the longitudinal axis of the pump 90
degrees to the concrete surface and with the plunger assembly in the
"in" position and the handle toward the concrete surface.
Upon completion of these drops,
the pump shall be subjected to and pass
the following:
Examination of pump
Air discharge at 70F
Operating force
Pump leakage
Hose flexibility.
The hose shall be exposed to a
temperature of -65F for 24 hours and while still at this temperature,
the hose shall be bent 1/4 turn over a mandrel of the same temperature
and having a diameter equal to 10 times the outside diameter of the
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