| ![]() MIL-Q-50385(Mu)
of sight shall remain parallel to the plumb line during this activation.
Place a 10 second precision level over the adapter keys. Both keys shall
be considered leveled when identical level readings are produced on the
level vial when rotated 180 from the original position. Roll the collimating
telescope in the "V" groove and coincide the plumb line and vertical reticle
line. Place target lines A and B (Figure 1) in coincidence with the
collimator's vertical and horizontal reticle lines. Secure the quadrant to
the adapter by means provided and observe previously coincided lines. Insert
a previously aligned adapter collimating Telescope c8246024 into the gimbal
tube and again observe coincided lines. Aligning the adapter collimating
telescope is assured after placing the adapter in a "V" block with the
collimating telescope centered in the adapter. Direct the line of sight
toward a clearly defined target image and roll the collimator and adapter in
the "V" block. Observe coincidence between the intersecting point of the
collimator reticle lines and a selected target point. Six screws are pro-
vided to facilitate this adjustment. When coincidence has been obtained,
the adapter and collimator are ready for use. Set the correction counter
and elevation counters to zero readings and observe level vial settings
of the quadrant. They must read level within the limits specified in 3.6.
Place an Inspection Aid (Gunner's Quadrant) Drawing A8658940 set to zero
roils elevation over each set of machined pads of the quadrant. The inspec-
tion aid must indicate level in both planes within the limits specified in
3.6. Observe where the intersecting point of the reticle lines fall with
respect to the intersecting point of target lines C and D. Any adjustments
shall be made by means of the elevation and azimuth adjusting screws of the
quadrant to assure conformance with 3.6.1. Elevation counter, accuracy and backlash.- With the unit posi-
tioned as outlined in, set the unit off 200 roils in elevation as in-
dicated by the counter reading and observe crosslevel bubble for movement.
Set the inspection aid to indicate the identical roil. setting. Place the
inspection aid on the proper set of pads and by means of the fixture eleva-
tion handwheel, relevel the quadrant level vial to indicate a true level
setting. Do not override this setting. Observe coincidence between the
quadrant level vial and the inspection aid level vial. They must coincide
within the limits outlined in 3.7.1. Also observe elevation counter reading
and elevation reading of the inspection aid. They must coincide within the
limits of 3.7.1. During elevation or depression of the quadrant, the cross-
level bubble shall not move by more than the limits specified in 3.7.2.
After recording reading and position of level vials, continue to rotate the
quadrant elevation handwheel one revolution beyond the setting and return to
previously recorded elevation level vial setting of the quadrant and observe
elevation counter reading. Any variation between this reading and the
recorded reading is considered backlash and must be within the limits speci-
fied in Repeat this procedure every 200 roils from 200 mils depression
to 1200 elevation. Range of elevation counter.- This test may be performed during
the above test. The test is performed by rotating the correction knob full
clockwise and then full counterclockwise. At each maximum rotation, the
counter shall produce a reading within the minimum range specified in 3.8.1.
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