| MIL-R-23811(Wep) Disconnect the dc leads connected in and connect the 24 volt
dc supply through the 22,000 ohm resistor to terminals S and BB of P70 (BB being
positive). The channel 10 spot shall deflect 0.6 inch plus or minus 25 percent toward
the channel 1 spot. Transfer the negative dc input lead of from terminal S to
terminal T of P70. Oscillograph channel 11 shall deflect 0.6 inch plus or minus 25
percent toward channel 1. Disconnect the dc leads connected in and connect the 50,000
ohm potentiometer across the 3 volt, 400 cps, ac supply. Connect either potentiometer,
end and the potentiometer arm across terminals U and V of P70. Adjust the potentio-
meter arm to give an ac signal of 2.0 volts across terminals U and V of P70. The
channel 12 spot shall describe a line across the viewing screen 0.5 inch long plus or
minus 25 percent.
4. 4.4.21 With connections as given in, apply 115 volts 400 cps, ac across
terminals CC and DD of P70, with CC being in phase with terminal V. Oscillograph
channel 12 shall revert to a spot of the original, no-signal size plus or minus 0.3 inch.
With the application of the 115 volt ac signal, the channel 5 spot shall describe a line
across the viewing screen approximately 0.5 inch long, This is proper and the
circuit was checked in paragraphs and 4.4. 4.13. Without disturbing the 115 volt input of, reverse the polarity
of the ac input to terminals U and V. Channel 12 shall describe a line across the
viewing screen 1.0 inch long plus or minus 25 percent. Disconnect the ac inputs of and connect the 24 volt dc supply
through the 22,000 ohm resistor to terminals W and X of P70 (terminal X being
positive). The channel 13 spot shall deflect 0.7 inch plus or minus 25 percent
toward the channel 1 spot. Disconnect the dc input of and connect a 150 ohm resistor (4.3.7)
across terminals EE and FF of P70. Connect 115 volts 400 cps, ac across terminals
CC and DD of P70 and measure the dc voltage developed across terminals EE and FF.
It shall be 4.7 plus or minus 0.5 volts, Measure the peak-to-peak ac ripple developed across terminals DD and
FF in It shall not exceed two percent of the measured dc voltage. Connect the negative side of the 24 vdc power supply to pin JJ of P70.
The channel 1 spot shall deflect 0.5 inch plus or minus 0.125 inch toward the channel
14 spot.
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