| ![]() MIL-R-23811(Wep) l Insert an open circuited phone plug or equivalent into phone jack J1. The
oscillograph lamp shall be extinguished.
4.5 Preproduction and periodic production tests
4.5.1 Vibration. The recorder, less pack and packaging, shall be mounted rigidly,
secured with the mounting base horizontal to a vibration device, utilizing the four
mounting holes in the base. The recorder shall be vibrated vertically for a period of
3 hours at a frequency of 60 cycles per second and a double amplitude (peak-to-peak)
of 0.016 plus or minus 0.002 inch. At the conclusion of this test the recorder shall
meet the performance requirements and product characteristics of this specification.
4.5.2 Temperature and humidity. The recorder, less pack and packaging, shall
be placed in a test chamber and subjected to a temperature of plus 160 degrees F,
plus or minus 5 degrees F, 90 to 95 percent relative humidity, for a period of 24
hours. Condensation from the test chamber shall not be allowed to drip onto the
recorder. At the conclusion of the test and after returning to room temperature the
recorder shall meet the performance requirements and product characteristics of this
specification. Prior to checkout, wiping or airhose drying may be performed, but no
drying by heating or baking shall be done.
4.5.3 Light tightness. The film magazine of the oscillograph portion of the
recorder shall be tested as specified in MIL-O-23560/4 and shall conform to the
exposure requirements specified therein.
4.5.4 Oscillograph characteristics. The oscillograph portion of the recorder
shall be tested for damping, film speed, frequency response, and balance as specified
in section 4 of MIL-O-23560/4 and shall conform to the requirements listed therein.
4.5.5 Operating life. The recorder shall meet the performance requirements
specified in MIL-O-23560/4 for the oscillograph and MIL-P-23810, for the recording
component panel.
4.6 Failure of the recorder to meet any of the requirements and tests of this
specification shall be cause for rejection.
4.7 Preservation, packing, and packaging. The inspector shall ascertain that
the preservation, packing, andpackaging of the recorder conform to section 5 of this
5.1 Preservation and packaging (See 6.2)
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