| MIL-R-48595A(AR)
3.3.6 Laser MODE switch. With the laser MODE switch positioned to TEST,
ON or AUTO, the respective mode 1amp shall illuminate. (See TEST position. With the MODE switch in the TEST position, the
RANGE lamp shall illuminate steady and the PFN shall not discharge through the
flashtube with the RANGE button pressed. ON position. With the MODE switch in the ON position, the RANGE
lamp shall flash. With ranging performed, the range to target shall be
displayed on the RANGE readouts and the SELECT lamp shall illuminate. With
the FEED switch pressed, the SELECT lamp shall extinguish and the GO lamp
shall illuminate. AUTO Position, With the MODE switch in the AUTO position, the
RANGE lamp shall flash. With ranging performed, the range to the target shall
be displayed on the RANGE readout and the GO lamp shall illuminate.
Ranging shall
3.3.7 Rangeing limits, accuracy,resolution and rate.
conform to the following: (See
The range shall be not less than 200 meters.
The range shall be not greater than 5000 meters.
c. The range accuracy shall be plus or minus 10 meters.
The range resolution shall be 20 meters.
e. Minimum time between ranging: With the RANGE button pressed, the
flashing red lamp on the RANGE button shall extinguish and
illuminate steady in not greater than 4 seconds.
The maximum number of rangings shall be either 6 rangings per
minute for 2 minutes or 3 rangings per minute sustained without
deterioration of range accuracy.
3.3.8 Light dimming control. With rotation of the LIGHT control knob in
l clockwise (CW) direction from the DIM position, the brightness of all lamps
except the RANGE and RETURNS readouts shall increase in brightness.
Counterclockwise (CCW) rotation shall decrease the brightness. (See
3.3.9 LIGHT switch. At the extreme position of the LIGHT control
shall be a test switch for the lamps. With rotation of the LIGHT control to
the extreme CW position, all the lamps on the control panel shall illuminate
and eights shall register on the RANGE and RETURNS readouts. (See
3.3.10 Peak output power. The laser peak output power of the range
finder shall be not lens than one megawatt. (See
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