| ![]() MIL-R-81202D(AS)
4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified herein, all inspec-
tions shall be performed under the following conditions and tolerances:
Room ambient of 25 +/-1OC (77 +/-18F) indicated.
Room temperature.
Test temperature. All parts of the test item shall be stabilized
at the specified temperature +/-2.8C (+/-5F) indicated prior to con-
ducting any operational tests. Unless otherwise specified herein,
temperature stabilization will have been attained when the indi-
cated temperature of the surface of the largest mass of the test
item does not change more than +/-2.8C (+/-5F) in a period of one
Room ambient to 95 percent relative humidity.
Altitude. Unless otherwise specified herein, testing shall be per-
formed at normal ground elevation.
Test gas. When conducting the testing of 4.6.4, the test gas shall
be nitrogen in accordance with 3.6. For all other tests, either
nitrogen conforming to the requirements of BB-N-411 Type I,
Class 1, Grade A or air of equivalent purity may be used.
Test attitude. Unless otherwise specified herein, all tests shall
be conducted with the longitudinal axis of the receiver assembly in
a horizontal plane. Hydrostatic testing may be conducted in any
Torque requirements. The installation torque for mating the re-
ceiver assembly to the control valve shall be hand-tight. The in-
stallation torques for mating the subassemblies to the nitrogen
receiver shall be as listed in 6.5.
Volume and flow. Where required, all volume and flow measurements
shall be corrected to normal temperature and barometric pressure
(NPT) conditions. NPT conditions are 760 millimeters (29.92
inches) of mercury and 21.1C (70F).
4.4 First article inspection. First article inspection shall consist of
the tests outlined in Table 11. The procuring activity reserves the right to
delete tests and alter the test sequence of Table II (see 6.2.1). First
article approval is valid only on the contract or purchase order under which it
is granted, unless extended by the government to other contracts or purchase
4.4.1 Receiver assembly samples. First article receiver assembly samples
shall consist of the first five receiver assemblies manufactured on the con-
tract or purchase order. The receiver assemblies shall be permanently labeled
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