| ![]() MIL-R-81202D(AS)
Sampling test items.
Number of samples
Lot size
to be tested
499 or less
4 plus 1 for each
500 or more
additional 500 or
fraction thereof.
4.6.2 Permanent volumetric expansion. The nitrogen receiver shall be pres-
surized hydrostatically to 5500 +/-100 psig and the total volumetric expansion
shall be determined. The pressure shall then be reduced to atmospheric and the
permanent volumetric expansion determined. The percentage of permanent volu-
metric expansion shall not exceed 5 percent of the total volumetric expansion.
Test values for all parameters shall be prepared for review by the procuring
activity. The nitrogen receiver shall be tested without its subassemblies in-
stalled. All open ports shall be sealed and a pressurization fitting in-
stalled. Testing may be conducted in any attitude. This test will not be per-
formed by the Government-approved test laboratory unless directed by the pro-
curing activity (see 6.2.1).
The receiver assembly shall be in-
4.6.3 Inspection-receiver assembly.
spected as follows: Individual tests-visual. The receiver assembly shall be inspected
to ensure that it has been properly assembled and adjusted, and that the
workmanship is as specified herein. First article and quality conformance tests.
The receiver assembly shall be thoroughly examined to determine
conformance to all the requirements of the drawings listed on
DL 58A164D556 and this specification. Prior to performing the
cleanliness test, only external dimensioning shall be per-
The receiver assembly shall be examined to ascertain that the
packaging, packing and marking is in accordance with Section 5.
4.6.4 Cleanliness. The receiver assembly shall be pressurized through the
charging valve to 2000 +/-50 psig with nitrogen gas (see 3.6). Initial back
ground contamination levels of the test gas shall be recorded. These levels
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