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loaded in both directions of rotation up to 200 per-
the fitting without failure of the joint or distortion
cent of rated torque (see table IV) on the input end
of the fittings.
without rupture of the core or failure of the fittings.
The necessary data shall be taken during loading
4.4.2 Casing tests. -
to plot the following curves: Hydrostatic pressure and bend. - Each
(a) Input vs. output torque.
sample length or section of casing, when lying
(b) Deflection vs. output torque.
straight shall be subjected to the corresponding
(c) Output torque vs. length of shaft (with
hydrostatic test pressure (see table III). After
rated torque as input).
satisfactorily withstanding this test, the complete
(d) Deflection vs. length of shaft.
lengths shall be coiled into a circle of the diameter
specified in table III, after which the coils shall be
subjected to the corresponding bend pressure,
No leakage shall be evident.
5.1 Domestic shipment and early equipment in- Resistance to season cracking of
stallation, -
bronze casing. - A specimen the full diameter of
5.1.1 Shafting, flexible (core and casing com-
the bronze casing shall be cut from each lot of
1000 feet or fraction thereof and immersed for 30
plete). -
minutes, without cracking, in an aqueous solution Preservation and packing. - Preserva-
containing 10 grams of mercurous nitrate and 10
tion and packaging of assembled units shall be suf-
cubic centimeters of nitric acid (specific gravity
ficient to afford adequate protection against cor-
1.42) per liter (1 percent). The sawed edges may
rosion, deterioration and physical damage during
be removed by machining or smoothed with a file but
shipment from the supply source to the using ac-
the specimens shall receive no annealing, bending,
tivity and until early installation,
springing, polishing, or other preparation prior to
this test. The specimen shall be left in the solu- Packing. - Packing shall be accom -
tion for 30 minutes and shall be examined for cracks
plished in a manner which will insure acceptance
immediately upon removal. If the specimen upon
by common carrier and will afford protection
examination contains cracks, the lot represented
against physical and mechanical damage during
shall be rejected.
handling and direct shipment from the supply
source to the using activity for early installation. Corrosion test for zinc coated (gal-
The shipping containers or method of packing shall
vanized) casing. - Zinc coated (galvanized casing
conform to the Uniform Freight Classification Rules
shall be te steal to determine if the coating is of suf -
and Regulations, or other carrier regulations as
ficient thickness to resist atmospheric corrosion.
From each lot of 1000 feet or fraction thereof, one
applicable to the mode of transportation.
piece about 3 inches in length, the full diameter of
5. 1.1.3 Marking. - Shipment marking informa-
the hose, shall be subjected to a salt-spray test
for 18 consecutive hours, using a 4 percent sea-
tion shall be provided on interior packages and ex-
salt solution. Indication of corrosion under this
terior shipping containers in accordance with the
contractor's commercial practice. The informa-
test shall be cause for rejection. Test specimens
tion shall include nomenclature, contract or order
shall be properly cleaned with gasoline to remove
number, contractor's name and destination.
grease and dirt.
4. 4.3 Torque test. - Each of the sample units,
5.2 Domestic. shipment and storage or overseas
shipment. - The requirements and levels of preser-
selected in accordance with table VII, shall be
vation, packaging, packing and marking for ship-
capable of transmitting the output torque correspond-
m ent shall be specified by the procuring activity
ing to the length (see table IV) when mounted with a
(see 6. 1).
90 degree bend in the middle and with supports 10
feet apart, including the bend except immediately
(5.2.1 The following provides various levels of
adjacent to the end fittings. The bend radius shall
protection during domestic shipment and storage or
be in accordance with table IV.
overseas shipment, which may be required when
4.4.4 Torque transmission test. - Each sample
procurement is made.
shafting shall be tested for deflection and torque Preservation and packaging. -
transmission performance. The shafting shall be
mounted with strap supports every 30 inches meas- Level A. - The assembled units and
ured along the shaft length and one 90 degree bend
stock items sh-recessed in accordance with
with the required minimum radius (see table IV)
Specification MIL-P-116 and as specified herein.
having one support at the middle. The test sample
shall have standard fittings and shall be statically

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