| ![]() MIL-S-24686A(SH)
4.5.3 Shock. The sprinklers shall be tested to determine compliance with
3,4.2. The sample shall be test-mounted in the upright, pendant, or horizontal
position, as required, and installed in an assembly of two pieces of pipe joined
to a silver-brazing bronze reducing tee in accordance with MIL-F-1183. Normal
installation practice using teflon tape applied to sprinkler head threads shall be
used and the sprinkler tightened using the manufacturer's specified torque. Tests
shall be performed with the sprinkler head unpressurized and pressurized to 175
psig. Momentary leakage during shock is acceptable. Loosening of parts, material
failure or deformation that causes maloperation shall be cause for rejection.
After completion of the test, the sample shall comply with the requirements of 3.5
for leakage test (see 4.5.1) and the oven heat test portion of the sensitivity
tests in ANSI/UL 199.
4.5.4 Vibration. The sprinkler shall be tested to determine compliance with
3.4.3. Automatic sprinklers shall conform to type I vibration requirements
specified in MIL-STD-167-1. The sample shall be installed in an assembly of two
pieces of pipe joined to a silver-brazing bronze reducing tee in accordance with
MIL-F-1183. As normal installation practice, teflon tape shall be applied to the
sprinkler head threads and the sprinkler shall be tightened using the
manufacturer's specified torque. The sample shall be installed upright, pendant,
or horizontal as required. Tests shall be performed unpressurized and pressurized
to 175 psig. Leakage or weeping during tests, material failure, loosening or
deformation of parts shall be cause for rejection. After completion of test, the
sample shall comply with the requirements of the leakage test in ANSI/UL 199 and
the oven heat test portion of the sensitivity test.
4.6 In spection of D a c k a - . Sample packs and the inspection of packaging
(preservation, packing and marking), for shipment, stowage, and storage shall be
in accordance with the requirements of section 5 and the documents specified
(The packaging requirements specified herein apply for direct Government
acquisition. For the extent of applicability of the packaging or preparation for
delivery of referenced documents listed in Section 2, (see (6.6).
5.1 Presentation.
Presevation shall be level A, C or commercial as
specified (see 6.2).
5.1.1 Level A. Automatic sprinklers shall be individually unit protected in
accordance with method III of MIL-P-116. Cushioning or wrapping materials shall
conform to the material specified in MIL-S-196. Sprinklers destined for shipboard
stowage shall be cushioned or wrapped with fire retardant materials as noted under
the special requirements for cushioning and wrapping materials specified in
MIL-S-196. Loose-fill cushioning material shall not be used. unit an d intermediate container . Unit containers, and when
specified (see 6.2), intermediate containers, shall conform to the unit and
intermediate containers specified in MIL-S-196.
5.1.2 Level C Automatic sprinklers shall be individually unit protected as
specified for level A, except that unit and intermediate containers may be of the
domestic non-waterproof type or class.
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